Womxn Skate Night
Passive Income: Myth, Hype or Truth? - 12.3.2020
Hosted by The Crowd & Property Entrepreneurs Network (PEN)
Thu, 12 March 2020 18:00 – 23:30 GMT
All the proceeds of the event go to the KipBag Charity

Come and learn the true meaning of passive income from both Property and Business investors. Get a real understanding from real-life experiences of what is HANDS-OFF and what is HANDS-ON when it comes to property business.
At the event we will have Jack from PEN, Aneel and Alex from The Crowd and Sapphire Gray from Savvy Women on the panel who collectively have over 50 years of property investing, developing, BTL, Short Stay and HMO experience.

18:00: Opening
18:30 - 19:30: Intro
19:30 - 20:30: Panel + Q&A
21:00 - 21:30: Snacks
21:30 - 23:30: Network + Drinks


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